What is the new trend?
The new trend is putting Christmas lights on your car. You may have noticed an increase in cars wrapped in Christmas lights this year. However, this trend has been going on for several years now but it seems to a lot of people that this trend has picked up this year.

How is it Done?
This project is a very simple yet a long task. Many people that I have asked said it takes them no less than four hours to put the lights on. I have had people tell me it has taken them upwards of eight hours to put the lights on. To make this project work you only need three items, outdoor Christmas lights, and make sure they are LED, tape, and a power inverter. Like I said, the process is long but once you have finished it is well worth it.
Why do People do it?
It’s very simple why people wrap their cars in Christmas lights, to make other people happy. I have personally wrapped my car in lights and the amount of children and even adults that smile and love the lights is amazing. In different car groups that I am a part of on Facebook have a large amount of people are asking if the owners of these Christmas light cars can drive around neighborhoods to spread the Christmas spirit so their kids can see. I have also seen a few posts that thank these car owners for putting a smile on their kid’s face. As I have talked with friends who have wrapped their car in lights they have personally said they do it for the kids. This is just a way to spread the Christmas Spirit and to make many many kids happy and excited for Christmas.

Is this Trend Illegal?
Let me first say I am not a lawyer or a law expert. However, after doing some research and asking a few personal connections who are in law enforcement and/or a political leader I have gotten the same answer, they are illegal. The good news is in most cities and states the police will not pull you over solely because of the Christmas lights, it is not a big enough crime. Some cities and states may vary. From the different interviews I have done with the owners of these Christmas light cars they have gotten nothing but positive feedback from the local Police Department. Does this mean you should do it? That is totally up to you.